In the films Voyage à Alger (Abdelkrim Bahloul, 2010) and Le Choix de Myriam (Malik Chibane, 2008), important scenes featuring women’s agency take place after the war is over. I analyze how women are represented as taking on a central role in continuing to seek justice and in transmitting the memory of the war.
Presenter Biography
Anne Donadey is Professor of French and Women’s Studies at San Diego State University. She is the author of Recasting Postcolonialism: Women Writing between Worlds (Heinemann, 2001); editor of Approaches to Teaching the Works of Assia Djebar (Modern Language Association, 2017); and she helped Maya Boutaghou edit Représentations de la guerre d’indépendance algérienne (Classiques Garnier, 2019). Her articles have appeared in journals such as PMLA, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Research in African Literatures, and Studies in French Cinema. She is currently working on a book on The Algerian War in Film Fifty Years Later, 2004-2012.