This intervention will discuss the publication of an anthology containing seven plays from the Golden Tongues initiative. It will cover the works that this volume features, as well as the aims of publishing these plays for the first time in the context of the Golden Tongues project and its place within the Diversifying the Classics group. 
Presenter Biography
Aina Soley Mateu specializes in late 20th and early 21st-century Catalan Literature in the context of Historical Memory in the Iberian Peninsula. Aina has extensive translation experience in Catalan, Spanish, and English in a multiplicity of media forms, and has been a member of the UCLA translation group Diversifying the Classics since 2018, where she has participated in multiple of its initiatives: from translating four plays to organizing two editions of LA Escena festival and acting as a dramaturg for seven Golden Tongues plays since 2020, among other projects.