Coalitional Feminisms (Panel / In-Person)

Standing Session
Gender and Sexuality / Multiethnic and Indigenous

Jamiee Cook (University of California - Santa Barbara)
jcoo@****.com (Log-in to reveal)

This panel is interested in submissions that explore intersecting feminist methodologies and ideas as they relate to political coalitions. Engagement with the conference theme “Send in the Clowns” is welcomed but not required.
In Gender Trouble, Judith Butler writes that the “value of coalitional politics is not to be underestimated, but the very form of coalition, of an emerging and unpredictable assemblage of positions, cannot be figured in advance.” Butler’s characterization of political coalitions as inherently unpredictable and imminently emergent introduces both the value and challenges of forming feminist-based political coalitions: a heterogeneous group working toward a particular vision of social justice may have access to a louder political voice, but that assemblage is also precarious, its strength dependent on the coalition’s ability to overcome challenges posed by institutional racism, homophobia, cissexism, and classism. This danger is evidenced by feminist history — women of color exclusion from mainstream feminism, the “lavender menace” threat in second wave feminism, and trans-exclusionary radical feminism, to list a few examples. How can the power of heterogenous collectivity be effectively harnessed in pursuit of social justice? Can feminism, in its multiple forms, serve as a common denominator? How can the political coalition work toward increased inclusivity, rather than falling prey to other institutional marginalizing forces like racism and homophobia?

This panel is interested in submissions that explore intersecting feminist methodologies and ideas. Of particular interest are

· Women of color feminisms

· Womanism

· Queer and queer of color critiques

· Transfeminism

· Radical and separatist feminism

· Eco-feminisms

· Marxist feminism

· Postcolonial feminism

Papers need not be comparative, and may vary: theory-based, literary analysis, film studies, or historical approaches, among others, are welcome.