George Eliot Bicentennial (Panel / In-Person)

Special Session
British and Anglophone / Gender and Sexuality

Victoria Shinbrot (California State University - Sacramento)
vshi@****.com (Log-in to reveal)

2019 marks the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Marian Evans, otherwise known as the writer George Eliot. The long trajectory of her personal and professional life was marked by early scandal and ostracism and ended with reverence for the “sibyl in the gloom.” This panel particularly invites papers that consider how social ostracism is performed in her works, but also welcomes fresh approaches to a range of Eliot texts, from the familiar to the less studied.

This panel provides the opportunity to take a look at Eliot’s well-known and perhaps lesser-known works in order to reassess and possibly discover whether her rendering of social ostracism challenges critics’ assumptions both then and now and whether her own attitudes change and evolve in her works.

2019 marks the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Marian Evans, otherwise known as the writer George Eliot. The long trajectory of her personal and professional life was marked by early scandal and ostracism and ended with reverence for the “sibyl in the gloom.” This panel particularly invites papers that consider how social ostracism is performed in her works, but also welcomes fresh approaches to a range of Eliot texts, from the familiar to the less studied.