Film Studies I (In-Person) (Panel / In-Person)

Standing Session
Film and Media Studies / City of God, City of Destruction

Carol Dell'Amico (California State University - Bakersfield)
cdel@****.com (Log-in to reveal)

The Film Studies session is open to all papers that explore some aspect of film or Film Studies, but we are particularly interested in papers attuned to some facet of the conference theme, "City of God, City of Destruction."

The Film Studies session is open to all papers that explore some aspect of film or Film Studies, but we are particularly interested in papers attuned to some facet of the conference theme, "City of God, City of Destruction." For example:

The Hangover Films

The Call Girl in American Cinema

Show Girls on Film

Vegas in Glow

Vegas Criminality on Film

Casinos in U.S. Film

Mob Films and Vegas

Addiction on Film

The Jackpot Movie

The Bookie on Film

Male Stripper Films

Film Apocalypse

The Post-Apocalyptic Film City

Cinematic Crusaders

Film Pilgrimages

Architecture on Film

Gambling Films

The Gambler in American Cinema

Las Vegas on Film

Sin Cities on Film