Autobiography II (Virtual) (Panel / Virtual)

Standing Session
Genres and Audiences / Composition and Rhetoric

Emily Travis (University of California - Santa Cruz)
etra@****.com (Log-in to reveal)

This virtual Autobiography panel will deal with subjectivity, authorship, auto-fiction, and identity, and will include papers that take new interdisciplinary approaches to Autobiography. Presentations and discussion in the session may include interdisciplinary analyses of Autobiography drawing on cognitive science, psychology, phenomenology, critical race theory, gender theory, or intersectionality. Topics of exploration could include: collective autobiography; techniques of self-narration; self-fashioning; neuroaesthetics; intersectional subjectivity; and philosophy of race.
For this session, we are open to a wide range of paper topics dealing with subjectivity, authorship, auto-fiction, and identity, but are particularly interested in papers that take new interdisciplinary approaches to Autobiography. As such, papers that draw on cognitive science, psychology, phenomenology, critical race theory, gender theory, or intersectionality in their analyses of Autobiography are particularly welcome. Possible topics could include, but are not limited to: collective autobiography; techniques of self-narration; self-fashioning; neuroaesthetics; intersectional subjectivity; philosophy of race. We are also interested in papers attuned to some facet of the conference theme, "City of God, City of Destruction."