Medieval Literature (Panel / In-Person)

Standing Session
Ancient and Medieval / Languages and Linguistics

Cristian Bratu (Baylor University)
Cris@****.com (Log-in to reveal)

Medieval Literature will study multiple aspects of medieval literature, with special emphasis on work dealing with geographies of the fantastic and the quotidian.
Medieval Literature entertains proposals on any aspect of medieval literature. However, we are particularly interested this year in proposals dealing with geographies of the fantastic and the quotidian. Those that harmonize with the conference’s special theme might include all varieties of heterotopologies; explorations of fictional domains; labyrinths; road narratives; elision, caesura, and other grammatological openings; migration/border crossings; psychedelic “trips” of all sorts; native practices of tending the land; mirrors and projections; choreography and dance; exteriority/interiority; the politics or rhetorics of dispossession; theatrical staging; embodiment and disembodiment; panopticism; the family and/or spaces of domesticity; museums and archives; loitering; hauntings; homelessness and houselessness; communities and cliques; as well as both paroxysmal places and quiet passages.