Rhetorical Theory (Panel / In-Person)

Special Session
Composition and Rhetoric / Theory and Philosophy

Ryan Leack (University of Southern California)
rlea@****.com (Log-in to reveal)

This panel will explore recent movements in rhetorical theory writ large, either in connection with or apart from composition theory and practice. Special attention will be given to proposals that engage with the conference's theme, "Shifting Perspectives." In addition to expanding rhetoric’s disciplinary relations, this panel hopes to push rhetoric beyond persuasion—beyond rhetoric as purposeful action toward some given end, but also as reception, listening, responsivity, relationality, resonance, presence, aurality, and the like. In this way, the panel hopes to push rhetoric’s boundaries and find kinship in new frontiers beyond its disciplinary and historically sanctioned borders.

This panel will explore recent movements in rhetorical theory writ large, either in connection with or apart from composition theory and practice. Special attention will be given to proposals that engage with the conference's theme, "Shifting Perspectives." In addition to expanding rhetoric’s disciplinary relations, this panel hopes to push rhetoric beyond persuasion—beyond rhetoric as purposeful action toward some given end, but also as reception, listening, responsivity, relationality, resonance, presence, aurality, and the like. In this way, the panel hopes to push rhetoric’s boundaries and find kinship in new frontiers beyond its disciplinary and historically sanctioned borders.